Asclepion Laser Technologies operates as a leader in the aesthetic lasers market for over 40 years.
Constant development of new technologies has made Asclepion one of the most qualified companies in the entire optical industry around the world.

Erbium: YAG laser: the best option for intravaginal treatments.
Laser treatment from Juliet improves women’s gynecological health due to minimally invasive treatment designed to stimulate collagen and elastin production along with improved vascularization of the vaginal mucosa.
MeDioStar NeXT PRO
The best laser technology with high power diode on the aesthetic market.Thanks to the extremely reliable diode technology and easy-to-use interface, experienced and less experienced users can definitely become users of the most advanced hair removal techniques in a few simple steps.
PicoStar uses the latest technology to remove tattoos, pigmented lesions and permanent makeup.
Thanks to the highest energy and the shortest pulses, PicoStar treatment is fast, gentle, especially without blood and does not leave scarring.
QuadroStarPRO is a compact and ergonomic design laser diode laser dedicated to phlebological and laser endovascular treatments, but also successful for a wider range of endosurgical applications due to its versatility.
The QuadroStarPRO Yellow features the HOPSL (high-power optically pumped semiconductor laser), the state of the art in solid-state laser technology. This brand new technology makes the yellow wavelength available in a very small and light device (less than 12 kg) with unmatched power (up to 5 Watt).
Thanks to these special features, the device is highly reliable and has no running costs.
MultiPulse Ho
MultiPulse Ho is a surgical holmium laser for endourological applications with a maximum power of 35 W.
MultiPulse Ho is the device for the improvement of endosurgical lithotripsy for the treatment of stones in the urinary tract (in ureteroscopy, ureterorenoscopy and percutaneous nephrolithotomy technique) and common stones of the bile duct .
MultiPulse HoPLUS
MultiPulse HoPLUS is a high-powered holmium laser device characterized by great flexibility and efficiency, which is a necessity in centers of excellence in endourology.
MultiPulse PRO
MultiPulse PRO este sistemul de chirurgie cu laser pentru CO2 utilizat pentru microchirurgie, chirurgie generală și chirurgie ginecologică colposcopică.
Potrivit pentru toate tratamentele de fotoablație, facilitează munca chirurgului.
MultiPulse Tm + 1470
JenaSurgical introduces the latest generation of MultiPulse Tm + 1470 tubes, unmatched in terms of efficiency, precision and safety in several areas of surgical application.
The Multipulse Tm + 1470 is the only system that combines a 1,940 nm Thulium laser with a 1,470 nm (maximum power 120 W + 30 W) diode laser designed to deliver the best performance in the operating room.
The SmartXide² system with CO2 sources and laser diodes is one of the most versatile solutions available on the surgical market.
It is suitable for microsurgery in ENT, gynecology, neurosurgery and general surgery.